As a fashion and style enthusiast

As a fashion and style enthusiast, I want to share with you that the first step to having a way of dressing that makes us look radiant and show our best version begins by clarifying any limiting beliefs about not feeling good enough in the clothes we currently have.

That is the root of most insecurities; It was for me. I know how limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs can ruin your life so much and therefore your personal style.

That's why today, I'm sharing with you three mental changes that can help change that situation, (stay tuned for our blog posts and if you haven't subscribed yet, what are we waiting for?!, that's where we'll share the gossip about fashion tips and spirituality in consciousness, and everything about manifesting!), meanwhile, my suggestions on this path that you begin today is:


I know this sounds like common knowledge, but believe me when I tell you that you are judging a lot more than you think. The best way to nip this in the bud is to do a little judgment inventory. For a day (or several), take note every time you have a negative thought about how someone dresses, what they look like, how much money they have (or don't have), all of that. But you must do ONE thing while taking inventory: you must NOT judge yourself, which, as you will see, can be even worse. After taking note, let it go. You must forgive yourself because the part within you that judges people is not who you really are. This is the most important part of my job, because all insecurities come down to how you feel about yourself. The judgments you have against yourself are the most damaging. It's much easier to see how we've applied them to others at first.


Seeing all the other people in this world as parts of yourself can be a little strange or confusing if you are just starting your path in spiritual ideas. I think telling myself "we're all in this together" is easier to swallow. We are all humans. We all make mistakes and everyone is just trying to live their best life. This has become a mantra I tell myself when I feel the comparison monster appear; interestingly enough, when I scroll through Instagram or some TikTok videos. It's easy to compare ourselves to other people when we don't know them, except for some highlights we see online. This is not the full picture. Not even half. Remember that we are all human. We all have the exact same insecurities, even Beyoncé.


Yes, the gratitude talk. I know you've heard of gratitude lists, but give it a try. At night, right before you fall asleep, let the last thing you think about be gratitude. It will accelerate your results. I promise. Adopting a mindset of gratitude before bed causes your mind to attract all kinds of positive thoughts that will take root throughout the night. The more grateful you are, the better you will feel and feeling good is the cornerstone of looking great.