And more tips on how to be and live in your most “Spiritual Chic” style

And more tips on how to be and live in your most “Spiritual Chic” style

Have an attitude of gratitude.

I have talked so much about gratitude just because it is crucial to success in life. I know that every time I can afford to have stylish items I am so grateful to be able to purchase them. But if at some point that doesn't happen, I have a thousand and one things on which I focus my attention and am grateful every day.

The cure for any sadness is to focus on what is there, what is not? Well, there simply isn't anything we can do and we can wear torture ourselves out in suffering and longing, but what I do invite you to do is just focus on the beautiful things we do have. That cup of coffee, your cat's purr in the morning, the hug from that special person, and that smile that took you by surprise. The more grateful you are for what you already have, the more abundant you will be.

Don't compare, congratulate

It is very easy to compare yourself to others who do better and look better to everyone. And the invitation I make to you is that from today you supply comparison with inspiration.

It's very easy to compare yourself to other people who are doing better and looking better on all social media. So instead of comparing, try complimenting. How good do you feel when someone compliments you, especially on your appearance? We're all plagued with insecurities, so complimenting each other definitely decreases negative self-talk. I try to compliment someone on their appearance at least once a day and you should too!

Use your clothes as a form of expression.

How crazy is it to know that women in Saudi Arabia have NO control over what they wear? They can't even show their hands in public! And get this, women in Sudan and North Korea are not allowed to wear pants!

As a woman, fashion can be the death of you in some places. These women have little to no rights and are literally and creatively held captive. You can imagine? I certainly can't, which is why I use fashion and blogging as a form of self-expression where we find ourselves guilt-free. And through Spiritual Chic, there is one more way to express ourselves with our positive affirmations and mantras that enrich that path inward.

Shop smarter, not harder

This is big! I once read about a Middle Eastern royal who spent a minimum of $100,000 per shopping trip. How crazy is that?! This woman literally had storage units full of new, high-end, brand-name stuff! She bought so hard and so fast that her bank account couldn't keep up and eventually the government gained control of all of her assets.